Scotland Helped Me Rewrite My Story

This Thanksgiving holiday, I decided to rewrite my story. 

Before I tell you about this journey, let me rewind back to November of 2010. 

It all started when I had my last Thanksgiving with my mom who was dying from stage 4 brain cancer. At the same time, the first one without my now ex-husband. It was devastating to see my mom, the strongest person I ever knew, be so sick and weak. She still had our wedding pictures up, which broke my heart. I couldn't even eat that Thanksgiving meal. 

These last 12 years, around November, a pang of deep sadness and depression would begin to creep in and stay around until the spring. The cycle seemed to never have an ending, but eventually, the sun would come back and everything would lighten, until the following November.

I had a deep knowing in my heart that this could not continue. Not only for the sake of my own heart-healing but for my daughters as well. I didn’t want to feel like a part of myself was gone each winter, it was time to rewrite the story. The decision to end that chapter of my life and to open a new chapter has forever changed my life. 

Eight Days - A Journey Abroad. Endless Magic.

Amazing Exploration.



The healing balm my soul desperately needed.


Scotland was filled with indescribable magic. The land was lively and vibrant; the people had a lightness in their eyes. I could feel relief, the weight of 12 years slowly pulling away, allowing room for spaciousness. I felt like a kid in a candy store, eyes wide with amazement and joy at the sights, sounds, and smells of this new place. Fulfillment, bliss, and comfort began to fill my heart and soul. A felt-sense of peace rooted into my body.

This was rest. This was a reset for my entire system.

It's a challenge for Americans to rest. We are bred to work hard, taking time off work is a big deal for us. Over there, five weeks of paid time off for a holiday is not only given but expected. The idea of working nonstop, with little to no time off is completely unheard of… no wonder they seem happier than Americans.

Taking this time to nourish my spirit by slowing down, filling my cup with sacred sites, local music, amazing friends, and exploration - returning, I feel lighter, happier, and I have more to give. I want to tell everyone that if you feel your soul calling for rest, give your soul rest. If you feel your heart yearning for connection, nature, friends, and exploration; seek out those joys

The cyclic sadness is gone.

I have indeed rewritten
my story and you can too, even if it’s just a rest on the acupuncture table.