Krystal Kinnunen

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Acupuncture as a Supplemental Treatment for Cancer-Related Symptoms

Evidence indicates that acupuncture is a safe and effective adjunctive treatment for managing certain symptoms associated with cancer and its treatments. Asheville Integrative Acupuncture offers services aligned with complementary and alternative medicine options recognized by healthcare organizations like the NHS in the United Kingdom.

Acupuncture's Benefits According to NIH

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) outlines multiple symptoms and side effects that acupuncture has the potential to alleviate, including but not limited to:

  1. Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting: Effective for individuals undergoing chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation therapy.

  2. Pain Management: Useful for cancer-related pain, postoperative pain, muscle and joint pain from aromatase inhibitors, muscle and joint pain in cancer survivors, and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.

  3. Hormonal Side Effects: May alleviate hot flushes caused by hormone treatments.

  4. Oral Health: Addresses symptoms of dry mouth (xerostomia).

  5. Sleep and Fatigue: This can improve sleep quality and manage fatigue.

  6. Immune System Support: Potential to bolster the immune system.

  7. Digestive Issues: Effective for conditions like constipation and poor appetite.

  8. Mental Well-being: Helpful for managing anxiety and stress.

  9. Additional Cancer-Related Symptoms: This can benefit other signs and side effects of cancer and its cures.

Case Studies: Chemotherapy-Induced Nerve Changes

According to experience garnered by Asheville Integrative Acupuncture, the practice has observed significant improvement in patients experiencing nerve alterations due to chemotherapy. Common symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and sensation changes in extremities like hands and feet have been successfully managed through acupuncture.

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Empirical Support

A study involving 302 breast cancer patients showed that acupuncture was beneficial in managing various symptoms over six weeks. The symptoms ranged from mental fatigue and physical pain to anxiety and depression (Cancer Research UK, 2022).

By considering acupuncture as a supplemental treatment, patients may find an additional avenue for enhancing their well-being and managing the side effects of cancer and its treatments.

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